This is my wiki. There's nothing here yet.

All wikis are supposed to have a SandBox, so this one does too.

source code of the chat bot

# Author:
# Licence: public domain
# Year: 2020-2021
# Date: Jan 28th 2021 (v1)

use strict;
use warnings;

# Subclass Bot::BasicBot to provide event-handling methods.
package UppercaseBot;
use base qw(Bot::BasicBot);
use Future::Queue;
use Future::AsyncAwait;
use feature qw(signatures);

async sub send_with_ack ($self, $ack_queue, $to_send, $topic, $chan) {
   foreach my $part (@{$to_send}) {
       foreach my $msg (split '\n', $part){
           $self->say(channel => $chan, body => $msg);
#       $self->say(channel => $chan, body => "Topic $topic completed. To start >       await $self->{ack_queue}->shift;

sub said {
    my $self      = shift;
    my $msg = shift;   # Contains the message that the bot heard.

    my @args = split ' ', $msg->{body};
    my $argslength = scalar @args;
    if($argslength eq 2){
        my $cmd = $args[0];
        my $topic = $args[1];
        my @chunks = ();
        if ($cmd eq 'start' and $topic){
            $self->{ack_queue} = Future::Queue->new;
            my $filename = "l/$";
            open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename) or $self->say(channel >            my $break = 1; my $chunk = '';
            while (my $row = <$fh>) {
                chomp $row; if($break){$chunk = $row;$break=0;}
                elsif($row eq '----'){push (@chunks, $chunk); $break = 1;}
                print "$row\n";

            #@chunks = ("test 1\ntest 2", "3\n4\n5");
            $self->{future} = $self->send_with_ack($self->{ack_queue}, \@chunks>            $self->{future}->on_ready(sub { delete $self->{future} });

    if($msg->{body} eq "next") {
        $self->{ack_queue}->push(1); # ack_queue undefined here -- can't push t>    }
#    $self->{future}->on_ready(sub { delete $self->{future} });

# Create an object of your Bot::BasicBot subclass and call its run method.
package main;

my $bot = UppercaseBot->new(
    server      => '',
    port        => '6667',
    channels    => ['#lecturify'],
    nick        => 'lbot',
    name        => 'bot owner: gry',

how to define a course

put it in l/

content goes like this

some text for Lbot to say
some more text to say more
this separator causes the bot to pause
and this is more to say

any issues with this bot, query #lecturify channel at libera IRC network
